There are myths surrounding CBD. This short article will try to debunk some of the most popular ones. One of the most persistent myths about CBD is that it can get you high. This is not true. CBD will not get you high in the same way that marijuana can.

Marijuana can get you high because it is abundant in THC, a psychoactive substance. CBD comes from hemp. The hemp plant also contains THC but only very little. It contains less than 0.3% THC. This is definitely not enough to get you high.

CBD will not get you high but it can help you become more relaxed. This is because CBD affects the endocannabinoid system or ECS directly. The ECS is responsible for providing an overall sense of wellness and balance to the body, a state known as homeostasis.

Another myth about CBD is that it is illegal. This is also not true. CBD is a perfectly legal product. When you but or try a CBD product, you don’t have to worry that you are breaking any CBD oil UK law. It is also easy to find a CBD shop. One of the more reputable CBD shops out there is Love CBD. The store carries many different kinds of CBD products such as CBD balms and CBD tablets.

CBD is not only legal it is also 100% safe. It is an all-natural product. Unlike other products available on the market, CBD does not contain any harmful chemicals. It also does not come with harmful side effects.

To learn more about the different myth about CBD oil check out the infographic below: