How To Get The Help You Need
An addiction to drugs or alcohol causes detrimental effects for the addict and their family. It is a disease that requires professional help and the self-realization that help is needed. Too often self-deception enables addicts to believe that they have control over their addiction and it isn’t a problem. Taking that first step to getting help gives the addict a real chance for recovery.
Making the Decision to Get Help
Making the decision to get help gives the addict new hope of recovery. Once the addict has made this decision for themselves, they enter into a treatment program. When reviewing treatment programs, it is important to find a program that offers the addict help through structured steps for achieving their goals. Most rehabilitation centers offer a faith-based recovery system. The issue with these programs is that the addict is blamed for their addiction, or they are condemned for sins. As studies show the blame game doesn’t work for most individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Addiction is a disease and requires professional help to overcome it, and it is necessary to treat biological factors that are driving the addiction.
Going Through Detox
After the addict is admitted into the treatment center, the individual undergoes the detoxification process to eliminate all the drugs or alcohol from the body. As the body is detoxed, the patient experiences severe pain and withdrawal symptoms. It is recommended that patients must remain in inpatient care during detox since there are severe health risks including dehydration, seizures, and cardiac episodes. Typically, patients aren’t allowed to have visitors during detox. The details of the treatment program describe the rules for detox and how long it lasts.
Find the Treatment Option That Works for You
ARC Rehab Portsmouth has options for individuals who are addicted to controlled substances or alcohol. The program follows a science-based approach to treating addiction assessing the biological factors that drive addiction. Patients undergo medical assessments to identify all biological damage caused by the addiction. Neurological traits often lead to a predisposition for individuals to become addicts. Their genetic makeup might play a role in the likelihood that they will develop an addiction if the individual ever uses drugs or drinks alcohol. These factors are assessed by treatment counselors to help the facility create a tailored to fit program for each individual.
Rebuilding Your Life
Over the course of the treatment program, counselors help the addict take steps for rebuilding their life. The trauma or event that led to the addiction requires counseling and retraining the addict with new and healthier coping mechanisms. Next, the counselors help the patient evaluate their lives and set new goals. Through the program, the patient learns how to achieve their goals without alcohol and controlled substances.
Individuals who are suffering from addiction endure biological, physiological, and psychological changes that require treatment through a rehabilitation facility. Through the programs, the addict undergoes detox to remove the drugs or alcohol from their body. Next, they start a recovery program based on these changes to their body and mind. Individuals who are ready to take that first step can contact a recovery center now.