Youth is shifting towards HEETS

The adults of today’s world are choosing a new way to consume or enjoy tobacco. They are swiftly shifting to the new technology of vaping. This vaping can be done by many different devices such as pods, HEETS, etc. These basically do not include the burning of tobacco, but getting it to a high temperature enough to vaporize it. There is a section of people who believe that this is a better way to consume tobacco, as they can enjoy the flavor for a longer time with the same amount of tobacco. Also, the vapors do not hit the throat and go to the lungs, the satisfaction after a puff from the HEET is much longer than that from a traditional cigarette.
Why is the youth attracted?
Interestingly the e-cigarettes or HEETS have turned out to be the new talk of the town. So, the youngsters are giving it a try. They even like to posts pics with these in their hand. The image on social media is a very big thing for the youth. They want to look cool and this is something they all want to try. Also, another thing that attracts them is that they come in many flavors like HEETS yellow and HEETS green.
Why are HEETS being favored?
With the use of technology different flavors have been added to the main nicotine content. The HEET green is a smooth blend of menthol and mint along with tobacco. While the HEET Yellow is a smooth tobacco flavor. This has been possible by the use of technology and use of e-liquids as well. The devices have a sleek and smart look. The people who use it feel that they are smart. It is also due to the fact that they can use it in the presence of others as well without haring them by the smoke.
It is also being used by people who are trying to lose the habit of smoking. Those wanting to quit smoking are able to do so as they feel content for longer by the use of HEETS. The cravings stay at bay for longer as the nicotine is absorbed in a better way. There is no fire involved in the HEETS. It is used by the IQOS holder that only heats the HEETS sufficient enough to bring out the fumes and does not burn the tobacco. The temperature reaches 350 degrees Celsius for the fumes to come out of the mouthpiece. There are 20 sticks in each box. Each stick gives the fumes up to around 6 minutes that is equal to a person taking 14 puffs on a traditional cigarette. The heets and the holder must be kept away from the reach of the children. Tobacco consumption is bad for them anyway. Many people believe they are at least doing their bit by saving their family from the dangers due to passive smoking by using this technology. No fumes are given out in the form of smoke. So, the people around the user are safe.