What is the Difference between Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra?

Erectile dysfunction is a problem faced by the vast majority of men. And age doesn’t matter here. In men of mature and old age, problems with potency, of course, occur much more often, although young 20-30-year-old men also have to deal with them quite often. Currently, there are reliable and effective medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the most famous of which are Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. What do they have in common and how do they differ?

Viagra, Cialis, Levitra: comparison of drugs by the main indicators

  • The speed of the onset of the effect. This indicator is approximately the same for all three drugs. They begin to act in 25-30 minutes, and the highest level of action is reached in 30-60 minutes.
  • Duration of action. According to this indicator, Cialis is the undoubted leader, its duration of action is 36 hours. Viagra and Levitra work for 4-5 hours.
  • Effectiveness in eliminating erectile dysfunction. The effectiveness of all three drugs is approximately equal – about 85% (according to various sources, from 80% to 87%). Although some sources indicate a higher efficiency of Cialis (up to 89.2%).
  • Possibility of taking with food. Fatty foods reduce the absorption of Viagra by about a third and, accordingly, the concentration of the drug in the plasma decreases. If the fat content in the dish is more than 50%, the rate of absorption of Levitra also decreases, if the fat content is not more than 30%, then this does not in any way affect the pharmacokinetics of Levitra. Food intake does not affect the action of Cialis. Find out more about Levitra on https://gesundeliebe.com/levitra-kaufen.html. Gesundeliebe is best known for its fair prices on quality products.
  • Possibility of taking with alcohol. Viagra and Levitra are not recommended being taken together with alcoholic beverages, or rather, it is not recommended abusing them. It is allowed to take Viagra and Levitra together with a small amount of alcohol (up to 40 g in terms of pure alcohol – 100 g of vodka, 0.5 liters of wine or 0.7 liters of beer). The reception of Cialis has no restrictions regarding the simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Caused side effects. The undesirable effect of drugs from the IFDE-5 group is due to their inhibition not only of type 5 phosphodiesterases, but also on other types of PDE, which causes their effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory system, the organ of vision, and mucous membranes. At the same time, all three drugs have mainly different points of application: Cialis more often causes muscle pain and back pain, Levitra – nasal congestion, although all three drugs are characterized by side effects such as headache, hot flashes, and dyspepsia.