Is It Better To Wear Contact Lenses Or Glasses To Work?
Currently, about 50% of the world population suffer from vision problems. Choosing contact lenses or glasses to wear at work can mean the difference between working at ease or having problems in our workplace.
In this article, we will analyze the different possibilities, and we will see which is the most appropriate option depending on the particularities of each case.
Contact Lenses Or Glasses: In Office Jobs
People who work in the office or spend a lot of time working in front of the computer have a high probability of suffering from dry eye syndrome. This is because, in front of the screen, we tend to blink much less than necessary, which, added to the dry environments caused by air conditioning and heating, can lead to a large decrease in the hydration capacity of the eye.
Another increasingly common syndrome, related to working in front of computer screens or other electronic devices, is the so-called computer vision syndrome; a set of ocular and visual signs and symptoms that manifests as dryness, eye strain, vision blurry or headache caused by spending excessive time in front of the screen without breaks.
Although you can adopt some habits to avoid or minimize these discomforts, contact lenses seem the least recommended option, since they do nothing but worsen dry eyes. Also, regardless of the time spent in front of the screens, the lenses should not be worn for long periods.
Contact Lenses Or Glasses: Work In Industrial Environments
Talking about industrial environments is very generic, but we are referring to all those jobs in which the eyes are at risk of coming into contact with chemical products or of some foreign object being introduced into them, which can produce cuts or scratches on the cornea.
In most of these occasions, accidents can be avoided by using the appropriate protection measures for each case. For this type of situation, it seems that the most comfortable option could be contact lenses, although they do not suppose any protection.
The use of contact lenses will allow us to wear protective glasses, while prescription glasses does not. In addition, contact lenses allow you to have a wider field of vision than glasses since it is not interrupted by the edge of the glasses.
Consequently, in the absence of prescription protective glasses, when choosing between contact lenses or glasses in industrial spaces, the best option is usually contact lenses.