5 Tips to Stay Safe in Rural Areas

  1. Keep a first aid kit close

Whether it’s in your house, car, or handbag, keeping a first aid kit handy could save your life. By knowing how to use the contents and the ways to react in an emergency, it could make all the difference.

  1. Know where the closest hospital is

Although it may seem simple, knowing where the closest hospital is could be the life-saving factor. Since the reaction time of the police and the fire department can be much slower in rural areas, having a reaction plan is vital.

  1. Have a trusted neighbour for emergency situations

It’s also beneficial to have a trusted neighbour you can go to during an emergency. There may be a situation where you’re unable to get yourself to a hospital, which is why you may need your neighbour. As a bonus, studies have shown that social connections are associated with good mental and physical health. Forming relationships with your neighbours can also reduce your risk of a heart attack. Friendly, trustworthy and helpful neighbours improve your health. So, go and say hi!

  1. Have Phone Call Doctor on speed dial

Phone Call Doctor is a national telehealth service improving access to quality healthcare for people across Australia, including those in regional, remote and rural areas. Doctors provide video/phone call consults to patients across Australia and can provide medial certificates and prescriptions via email. Whether you’re home sick, in an aged care facility, a hotel or travelling, Phone Call Doctor will be there for you.

  1. Install a reliable security system

No matter where you live, having a dependable security system is a must. Statistics show that over 60 percent of break ins are from forced entry, meaning the days of leaving your front door unlocked at night are gone. Setting up security cameras inside and outside the house can make you safer. Some companies will even send notifications to your phone if any movement is detected within the camera’s range.