5 Myths about Hair Transplantation

You’re probably tired of all those non-surgical quote-and-quote solutions for hair loss, and you’re thinking of investing on something big and reliable. However, just like the other major decisions in your life, you might have those if’s and but’s running around your head, making it hard for you to finally give it a go.

If you’re in the early stage of considering a hair transplant procedure, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ll talk about all the myths that you should stop believing right now concerning a hair transplant surgery. Without further ado, let’s begin discussing them one by one!

It’s painful

Just because it involves needles, cuts, and a surgeon doesn’t mean it’s a painful procedure. It may involve a little itch, discomfort, and some low-level pains, but nothing as painful as a more serious surgery. In fact, some would say that the pain level can be likened to a session with the dentist. If you’re even considering pain as a reason to call off a hair transplant procedure, you should debunk that myth right away.

It’s a long procedure

Under normal circumstances, a hair transplant procedure lasts for more or less 6 hours. Doesn’t sound too long, right? Read the next myth and discover the process followed in this procedure.

It’s a complicated surgery

You may think that the whole idea of a hair transplant surgery is very complicated. But it is actually very simple and straightforward. Let’s take for example a procedure a Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) done by NuHart Philippines. In this procedure, a local anaesthesia is administered before the actual process takes place. The expert surgeon will use a machine with small punches with which he will harvest follicular grafts.

The grafts are harvested from the area of the scalp where the hair grows (called the donor site), which will then be transplanted into the tiny slits of scalp in the recipient area. This is done repeatedly until the area with hair loss is fully covered. Truth be told, the surgery is done shortly for six hours or more the same day and that’s it!

It requires weeks of rest

Another myth that you should remove from your vocabulary is that hair transplant surgery requires a total rest from all your activities for some weeks or so. This is definitely not true! You can even continue with your daily activities the next day and go back to work 2 days after the surgery. That is, of course, with consideration to the appearance of the area where the hair was transplanted.

It has the same effect as non-surgical hair restoration but so much more expensive

Most men who experience hair loss resort to non-surgical, band-aid solutions to address their confidence-degrading situation. But when you do that, you are just paying on installment, little by little, for a product or procedure that gives a temporary remedy. In the end, when you compute all your purchases, you may end up losing more money compared to the cost you’ll pay for a permanent hair transplant solution.