Greater Choices for the Perfect Anxiety Therapy

In the end, the accumulation of problems, the lack of positive and support from loved ones, and the lack of skilled help can lead to even more devastating behavior and even suicide.
Depression is not a sign of weakness
Unfortunately, in many countries of the world, seeking help from a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist is regarded as a “failure”,which in turn causes social labels to hang on to a person with depression. Often, this is due to an elementary lack of knowledge. With the search anxiety therapist near me you can now get the best details available.
Causes of depression
Depression does not choose and can “infect” anyone. Not infrequently, it develops as a result of a complex interaction of several factors. For example, genetic, that is, depression was with a father or mother.
- Quite often, people who have experienced depression at least once have a high risk of recurrence of the disease.
- Also, stressful events in our lives are good ground for depressed mood. It can be the loss of loved one, financial problems, relationships with loved ones.
- Low or no social support, isolation, alcohol are also factors in the development of this disease.
- The disease does not choose sex. However, according to WHO, depression is more common in women. However, men have a greater risk of self-harm.
- It also does not look age, as it can develop even in children.
Treatment of depression
If you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms in yourself or in loved ones, you should consult a specialist.
Psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists deal with this disease. They will determine the degree of the disease and choose the best treatment for depression.
This may be psychotherapy or the use of medicines known as antidepressants or a combination of the two.
Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) has been well established throughout the world, as in Ukraine. Studies of this method are ongoing. For example, according to the Neuronews Magazine, the risk of recurrent episodes in patients undergoing and completing CBT is slightly lower than in those receiving and completing antidepressant therapy.
What is CBT?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the current leading and scientifically validated types of psychotherapy. It contains a combination of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. Cognition is how a person interprets certain events. Therefore, the main thing is not what happened, but how people perceive it.
- More than a few hundred years ago, the philosopher Epictetus described it this way, “People do not respond to events as such, but to the values they attach to events.”
- Therefore, the therapist helps the person to change cognition and as a consequence to feel differently. Behavioral therapy also shows that our actions often influence emotions and thoughts. Therefore, changing actions can also change thoughts and emotions.It is interesting that CBT can be used not only in the therapist’s office. It is often practiced online.
- Self-therapy with online tools helps reduce the symptoms of depression. This showed a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, for which scientists analyzed 21 papers on the topic of online depression therapy.
Researchers have analyzed the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy applications and online platforms.In an Independent comment, she added that one should not think that online therapy is appropriate for everyone and helps every person with depression.Inspired has been collecting online tools that can help understand and reduce depression and anxiety.